Staff, pupils, governors and families work creatively and diligently to sustain and improve our school. We have a shared determination to aim high together, building on our successes to provide the very best quality of education.  

We were delighted to welcome two Ofsted inspectors to school in December 2022. The inspectors made lesson visits, looked in pupil books, conferenced a very large number of children, gathered views of parents, talked with staff, Governors, Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and the Headteacher. Parents were tremendously supportive, as always, over the inspection period – the staff team were overwhelmed with good wishes.  The children were being their usual kind, positive and self motivated selves.  We are a community, always aiming high and working together with children at the centre of what we do – the inspectors could clearly see that.

 The Ofsted report Dec 2022 states:

  • Leaders have high expectations ….as a result, this is a happy and harmonious school. Everyone feels part of a productive team.
  • Pupils behave very well and have a secure understanding of right from wrong which starts in Reception….Pupils respect each other and staff.
  • Pupils, from Reception Year onwards, consistently have very positive attitudes and commitment to their education. Pupils show motivation and persistence in the face of difficulties. On the rare occasion that a pupil struggles with this leaders take intelligent, fair and effective action to support.
  • Pupils make a highly positive contribution to the life of the school. Pupils actively support the well-being of other pupils. Pupils take pride in everything they do.
  • Leaders have put in place a well-sequenced curriculum. Teachers use assessment well…they make sure children remember subject vocabulary.
  • Reading is a success within the school. Weaker readers….become more confident readers.
  • The personal, health social and economic curriculum prepares pupils to be ready for their next steps in education successfully.
  • Governors support and challenge school leaders competently. They are rightly proud of the school and its achievements.

The inspection was a useful and positive experience for us as a school team and has continued to help us develop. We look forward to continuing on our strong and positive journey together as a community.

Please follow the link to see our school’s latest OFSTED report in full: