Teacher: Mrs Burns
Teaching Assistant: 

Curriculum information

Class 3

Terms 1&2 Autumn 2024

The topics that we will be covering during this term of ‘Anglo-Saxons and Vikings’ are: 


Letters to Kenya (establishing new pen friends with Langalanga School)

Narrative writing based on ‘Talk for Writing’ story – “King of the Fishes.”

Non-Chronological report

Narrative poetry


Weekly spelling test with a new list given on a Thursday for homework


Maths Place value

Addition and subtraction including formal written methods using columns

Solving addition and subtraction two-step problems

Multiplication and division including times tables up to 12 x 12.  Practice using “Times Tables Rockstars” and 50/100 club weekly sheets


Science Forces and magnets – how things move on different surfaces.  How magnets attract or repel each other

Setting up enquiries, fair tests, making predictions, carrying out investigations, recording results and writing conclusions

States of matter – solids, liquids and gases.  How materials change state when heated or cooled.  Understanding evaporation and condensation in the water cycle.



Online safety and digital literacy

What is a computer?



The Anglo-Saxons and Vikings:

Placing dates on a timeline and understanding chronology

Finding out about Alfred the Great, King Canute and Edward the Confessor

Houses, home life, jobs and crafts

Exploring Sutton Hoo

Religion and the importance of Bede


Art / DT Art – study of Hepworth’s sculpture techniques.  Design and make an Anglo-Saxon pot from clay to show 3D sculpture and form

DT – construction model with mechanical parts






Rugby with Atlas Sports coach – Mr Sheldrake

RE What do Christians learn from the Creation story?

What is it like for someone to follow God?




Charanga music unit – “Mamma Mia”

Christmas performance




Values/Five ways of well being

Me and my relationships







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