Curriculum information

Class 1 – Year 1

Terms 1 & 2 2024

Our class topic this term is Florence Nightingale and Significant historic people, places, and events within Gloucestershire.

Here are some of the things we will be doing and learning about this term:


English     Poetry

We will be reading and enjoying poems with repeating patterns, then writing our own based on the Autumn poems we have read and focusing on using adjectives.


We’ll be using our Pie Corbett work to read and learn Oliver Jeffers ‘Lost and Found’ and ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy. We will write our own stories based on our focus texts.  We will also read the Usborne Famous Lives book about Florence Nightingale.


We will write sets of instructions and a fact file all about Florence Nightingale.  Letter writing will also be a focus in term 2 and we will be writing a letter to someone special living at the North Pole!


Remember to read and enjoy books with your child as much as possible, it makes such a difference in so many areas of their learning.



    Number and Place Value (within 10 then 20)

Count in steps of 1,2,5 and 10 from any number, both forwards and backwards; count read and write numbers in numerals and words; recognise the place value of each digit in a two- digit number (tens, ones); identify, represent, and identify numbers using the language of: equal to, more than, less than, most, least; use place value and number facts to solve problems.

Addition and Subtraction

Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 10 and 20; add and subtract using both mental and written methods, including: a two-digit number and ones; a two–digit number and tens; adding three one-digit numbers; solve problems that involve addition and subtraction, including missing numbers; recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction.


Recognise, name, describe and compare some properties of 2D shapes including the number of sides and line symmetry; order and arrange combinations of mathematical objects in patterns and sequences; describe position, direction, and movement.



    Online safety and digital literacy

What is a computer?

Through some online stories, activities, and games, we will be exploring and learning how to stay safe when working online. We’ll learn how to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private and identifying where to go for help and support when we have concerns.

(All other areas of the Computing curriculum will be approached through cross curricular links across the other topic areas).

Science     Everyday Materials

We will identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock.

We will also compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.

Our investigations will focus on the materials the 3 Little Pigs used to build their homes, testing their suitability.  We will also meet Discovery Dog!


Art     Sculpture/3D Form

Experimenting with manipulating malleable materials in a variety of ways including rolling and kneading as well as understanding the safety rules to use certain tools and materials.  We will evaluate our sculptures at the end of the unit.

DT     Construction and Mechanics

Design, make, evaluate, and improve and take inspiration from designs throughout history.


PE     Dance and Multi-skills


History     Florence Nightingale and Significant historic people, places, and events within Gloucestershire

We are going to look at chronology, firstly by describing memories of key events in our lives and sequencing those key events. This will help us to then sequence artefacts from distinctly different periods, match objects to people of different ages and sequence artefacts closer together in time. We will also use sources to answer questions about the past, use stories to help us to distinguish between fact and fiction and recognise why people did things, why events happened and what happened as a result.

RE     What does it mean to belong to a faith community?

We will be looking at the different groups/communities we belong to and how different faiths welcome babies/children into their community.

What do Christians believe God is like?


Thinking about why we celebrate Harvest and participating in a class celebration.



    Singing/Performing – Big Bear Funk and Me!

We will investigate changes in pulse, rhythm, and pitch. We will use our voices in different ways such as speaking, singing, and chanting.

Christmas performance singing.

PSHCE     School Values and the Five Ways of Well-being

We will be focusing on ways to support our mental health and general well-being.

Valuing differences

We will identify some of the physical and non-physical differences between people, know and use words/phrases that show respect for other people, identify people who are special to us and explain some of the ways they are special to us. We will also recognise and explain how a person’s behaviour can affect other people, identify groups we are part of, explain how it feels to be a part of a group and how it feels to be left out from a group.



Please keep this curriculum information handy as it can be a useful tool in supporting your child in their learning during this term.  Please do not hesitate in contacting us if you would like any further details about your child’s learning process or the curriculum being studied this term.

Many thanks for your continued support, Mrs Parsons.


Class 1 – Term 1 and 2 2024 – Reception

Our class topic this term is People Who Help Us and Florence Nightingale.

Here are some of the things we will be doing and learning about this term:


Literacy – Comprehension, Word reading and Writing     Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories.

Take on roles in the role-play area using appropriate language.

Interact with others (say “hello” at register time; share ideas at story time; participate in circle time activities; talk to other children and adults whilst engaged in play; make their needs known).

Identify and say initial sounds in spoken words.

Learn to recognise the sounds made by letters s a t I n m d g o c k e u r h b f l ss j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng ai ee igh oa oo ar or ur ow oi

Practise blending written sounds to make words and segmenting spoken words to ‘hear’ sounds.

Distinguish between words and pictures in books. Know that pictures provide information and that print carries meaning and is read from left to right in English.

Begin to predict what text might say by looking at the pictures and thinking about what will make sense

Use a pencil and hold it effectively.

Write freely and read back what has been written, assigning meaning to the marks made.

Write shopping lists, invitations, labels, and cards.

Become familiar with the main characters from our reading scheme and begin to recognise some key words.

Mathematics – Number and Numerical patterns     Develop the key skills of counting objects including saying the numbers in order and matching one number name to each item.

Match and sort objects.

Compare amounts.

Estimate and guess how many there might be before counting.

Join in and sing counting songs and number rhymes. Listen to and enjoy stories that involve counting.

Subitise (recognise quantities without counting) up to 4.

Representing numbers to 5.

Comparing 1, 2, 3

Exploring the composition of 1, 2, 3

One more/one less (0-5)

Number bonds to 5.

Recognise and name flat shapes: circle, square, rectangle and triangle.

Recognise and name solid shapes: cube, cuboid, sphere, and cylinder.

Use terms such as ‘bigger’ and ‘smaller’ to describe and compare the sizes of shapes and other objects.

Understanding the World – Past and present, People, culture, and communities and, The natural world     Internet safety – Through some online stories, activities, and games, we will be exploring and learning how to stay safe when working online. We’ll learn how to Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private and identifying where to go for help and support when we have concerns.

Comment on images of familiar situations in the past.

Comparing old and modern toys.

Talk about the lives of the people around us and their roles in society.

Talk about members of our immediate family and community.

Name and describe people who are familiar to us.

Draw information from a simple map.

Explore the natural world around us during Forest School.

Explore and identify a variety of materials through looking at different toys.

Explore the effects of heating and cooling through cooking/baking.

Religious Education:

Being special: where do we belong?

Why is Christmas special for Christians?


Forest School – Wednesday afternoons

We will keep a weather chart and explore the changing season through outdoor activities as well as learning about the Five Ways of Well-Being with Emma Levan. (If the weather has been particularly wet the day before the children can bring in wellies and old clothes in a named carrier bag).




Development – Gross motor skills and fine motor skills


    Continue to develop co-ordination and gross motor skills during playtimes, use of the trikes and scooters in outdoor activities.

Move confidently in a variety of activities.

Show an awareness of space, themselves, and others.

Dance and multi-skills in our PE lessons.

Use pencils, paintbrushes, scissors, and other smaller equipment with basic control.



Expressive Arts and Design – Creating with materials and Being Imaginative and Expressive     Learn and sing/recite songs and poems.

Investigate changes in pulse, rhythm, and pitch.

Use our voices in different ways such as speaking, singing, and chanting.

Use imagination in role-play and other imaginative activities.

Create pictures using different media – pastels, pencils, paint, and collage.

Experimenting with manipulating malleable materials in a variety of ways including rolling and kneading as well as understanding the safety rules in order to use certain tools and materials.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Self-regulation, Managing-self and Building relationships     Come into school happily.

Be interested, excited, and motivated to learn.

Become familiar with regular routines in the classroom.

Help to put away equipment at tidy up time.

Select activities independently using the ‘learning board’.

Put away personal belongings when coming into school.

Be confident to try ‘new’ activities.

Participate in the class Harvest celebration.

Sit quietly when appropriate i.e., at register time, carpet time and whole school assembly.

Express their feelings and consider the feelings of others.

Develop appropriate ways to be assertive.

Talk with others to solve conflicts.

Build constructive and respectful relationships.

Feel that they ‘belong’ to their new class and the school.

Become familiar with our school values and the Five Ways of Well-being.

Explore the themes of ‘Valuing difference’, ‘Keeping myself safe’ and ‘Me and my relationships’ through our PSHE curriculum.


Please keep this curriculum information handy as it can be a useful tool in supporting your child in their learning during this term.  Please do not hesitate in contacting us if you would like any further details about your child’s learning process or the curriculum being studied this term.

Many thanks for your continued support, Mrs Parsons.


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