Teacher/s: Mrs Redpath and Mrs Harrison
Class Teaching Assistant/s: Mrs Bedwell


Curriculum information

Terms 1 & 2  2024

Our class topic for this term will The Great Fire of London.

Here are some of the things we will be doing and learning about this term:

English      Poetry

We will be reading and enjoying list poems. We will look at different

versions and then practice writing our own, focusing on using lots of description through adjectives, adverbs and similes.


Our fiction writing this term will be use Pie Corbett work to learn parts of the story and write our own versions. We will look at setting on detail using the book as our stimulus.


We will be learning all about non-chronological reports and instructions and then we will write our own.



     Number and Place Value

Counting, reading and writing numbers; representing numbers as tens and ones; comparing and ordering groups of numbers.

Addition and Subtraction

Recognise, count and select coins; recall and apply number facts and fact families to 20; check calculations using the inverse; learn number bonds to 10 and apply to larger numbers; addition of two-digit numbers; subtraction of two-digit numbers; understand difference; compare number sentences.

Multiplication and division

Count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s; make, recognise and add equal groups as multiplication; recognise the multiplication symbol and use in number sentences; make and use arrays.


Recognise and name 2D and 3D shapes; count and name the sides and vertices of 3D shapes; make and continue patterns with shapes.



     Online Safety and Digital Literacy

Through some online stories, activities and games, we will be exploring and learning how to stay safe when working online. We will learn how to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private and identifying where to go for help and support when we have concerns.

What is a Computer?

We will use and remember a password to log onto a computer, understand why we use passwords and why we  shouldn’t share our password. We will recognise a range of devices that use computers and we will use a range of input and output devices in our lessons. We will use search engines to find information using keywords and understand that we can find information from a website.

Science      Everyday materials.

We will describe materials using our senses, including using specific scientific words.

We will explain what material objects are made from, and why a material might be useful for a specific job. We will name some different everyday materials – e.g. wood, plastic, metal, water and rock, and sort materials into groups by a given criteria. We will describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials using words like, transparent, opaque, flexible, and compare and group them together based on their simple physical properties. We will find out about some materials which are natural and some which are man-made.

History      The Great Fire of London

We are going to look at chronology, firstly by describing memories of key events in our lives and sequencing those key events. This will help us to then sequence artefacts from distinctly different periods, match objects to people of different ages and sequence artefacts closer together in time. We will also use sources to answer questions about the past, use stories to help us to distinguish between fact and fiction  and recognise why people did things, why events happened and what happened as a result.

Art      Sculpture and 3D form

In the first half of this term, we will explore and experiment with a range of materials to decide which is best to use to make our sculptures. We will also look at what tools and techniques we need to use, and we will evaluate our sculptures at the end of the unit

DT      Construction and mechanics

In the second half of this term, we will use a range of materials to create models with wheels and axles. We will distinguish between fixed and freely moving axles and with support, we will use a hacksaw to cut strip wood/dowel. We will also know and use technical vocabulary relevant to our project

PE      Happy healthy heart (fitness) and Fundamental Skills

Fundamental Skills and Dance

RE      What does it mean to belong to a faith community?

We will recognise that loving others is important in many communities. We will say simply what Jesus and another religious leader taught about loving other people.

We will describe what happens at a traditional Christian and Jewish welcome ceremony, and the ways people show they love each other and belong to each other when they get married. We will give examples of ways in which people express their identity and belonging within faith communities and other communities. We will discuss what we think is good about being in a community, for people in faith communities and for ourselves.

What do Christians believe God is like?

We will identify what a parable is and tell the story of the Lost Son from the Bible. We will explain simply what the story means to Christians. We will give examples of ways in which Christians show their belief in God as loving and forgiving, as well as how Christians put their beliefs into practice in worship. We will discuss whether we can learn anything from the story for ourselves, exploring different ideas and giving reasons for the ideas we have.



     Singing and performing

We will investigate changes in pulse, rhythm and pitch whilst learning to use our voices expressively and in different ways through singing.

PSHE      School values

We will be focusing on our school values and understanding what each value means, as well as looking at how we can support our mental health and general well-being.

Me and my relationships

We will suggest actions that will contribute positively to the life of the classroom and make and undertake pledges based on those actions. We will use a range of words to describe feelings and recognise that people have different ways of expressing their feelings. We will define what is meant by the terms ‘bullying’ and ‘teasing’ showing an understanding of the difference between the two. We will identify situations as to whether they are incidents of teasing or bullying. Net the children will begin to understand and describe strategies for dealing with bullying. We will look at friendships and identify some of the ways that good friends care for each other.

1. Curriculum info Class 2 -T12 2024

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